Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 45

Up 6.2 (52.6 lbs total)

It's like a week of Biggest Loser in reverse :) I well and truly fell off the wagon this week and ate everything I wanted washed down with a lot of alcohol. I then ate and drank before weighing in and wore jeans and a sweater. It's like when the contestants water-load before a weigh-in when they have immunity - next week's scales should be equally dramatic. Provided, of course, that I do not carry on with the same abandon. But stress apparently demands carbs accompanied by salty fat and I have to say that the Nachos and beer I had at the pub were unbelievably good.

I am trying to remember what the longue durée looks like so that I take these gains in stride. But, while I talk a good talk, it is difficult every time it happens. It is like a long-term relationship: grooves get established and the cart runs in them almost without thinking; which is good if the grooves lead in a positive direction but if they don't it can be hellish, even with all the desire in the world, to erase them and start fresh ones.

Good news: All of my blood work is normal: good cholesterol, good blood sugar, good blood pressure. I am officially 'cured' of type II Diabetes.

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