Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 14 Results and Lessons Learned...

Down 1.2 lbs (28.6 lbs total)

What was I saying about being a slow learner? I ate 2 servings of these puffed potato chips I found (2 points per serving and yummy) on Tuesday night for dinner. Healthy? not. But delicious. Except I forgot the sodium-thingy and had swollen ankles the next day from all the salt (Did I mention they were Salt & Vinegar?) Water retention from BOTH the carbs and the salt.

However, good news this week as my Doctor has reduced my dosage of Actos by 50% because my morning blood sugar is doing extremely well. I also have a blood pressure of 100/70 which is down from September's reading. So the 10% weight loss is already improving my health.

Christmas begins with a vengeance this week so I'm mentally preparing for negative scale movement as I partake (moderately) of all the season has to offer!


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