Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 7 Results and Lessons Learned...

Down 2.4 lbs (19.4 lbs total)

Well, if last week shocked me, this week got me worried. I used 37 of my weekly 35 slush points (yes, you did read that right) and barely moved off the couch and I still lost weight. What worries me is the "I can eat anything and still lose" refrain. In fact, it was already playing faintly in the background this week when I over-indulged at the Lucky Martini Book-Club's first post-summer event. The martinis were Blonde and the pizza was Black and White and it was all so delicious I had 3 martinis and 3 slices. And sundry bits of cheese and salami. Oh, and warm artichoke dip. I did track it all the next morning as faithfully as I could (hence the 37 weekly points used) but that didn't stop me going out to the new French Bistro Bon Rouge and having another Martini and terrine and baguette and lemon tart...

You see the problem. I will have to apply all of my will to turning off the seductive voice saying let's go back to the bistro or, better yet, order in a pizza...

Well I'm back to Dunsmuir Lodge tomorrow for two days of school, fabulous scenery and those buffets. Lots of salad, water, fresh fruit and dinner with Debbie. I'll let you know how it went.

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