Saturday, February 21, 2009

Week 7

Down 2.2 (16.6 lbs total)

I can feel a challenge coming on. I have a tendency to keep adding "good for me" activities or behaviours until I collapse under the weight of all that positive energy. I'm not naturally a positive person, I have to work hard to see the stuff in the bottom half of the glass, so when I am driven by too much of the "must do because it will make me better" stuff, I dive off the edge and wallow in badness. And, unfortunately for me, badness means the foods that I crave and love: pizza, nachos, cream pasta sauces, eggs benedict, vodka. So, as I add three different kinds of yoga to my week (which, don't get me wrong, I am loving) and I exhort myself to exfoliate, moisturize, hydrate, get to sleep early, read serious literature instead of that Clive Cussler crap, make lunches for work, pumice my heels before sandal weather, meditate, and try to have at least one good orgasm a week (because we are apparently depriving ourselves of extra years if our sex life sucks), I am feeling the seeds of rebellion forming. So, the question is how do I head this off? The usual exhortation - to think positive thoughts - is clearly counter-productive in this instance. Any ideas? Leave comments if you have some.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 6

Down 3 (14.4 lbs total)

Everything feels lighter. My body made one of those shifts this week and I could feel the difference as my waist made a re-appearance. I can suck in my tummy and see the edge of my ribcage.

My friend and I celebrated our losses this week by heading to Bon Rouge for a lovely brunch. Bliss! I had a delicious omelette with duxelle, white beans and tomato concassé, a small side salad with vinaigrette on the side, and two glasses of champagne. After all, the French stay thin on such fare!

I had a really great yoga week. Our lunchtime flow yoga on Tuesday has been extended to an hour, so it's a nice 10 minute brisk walk there, a full hour and a brisk walk back. Fortunately my boss goes with me and he's happy they made it an hour so all is good. Today I went to my first 90 minute restorative yoga class which felt deeply relaxing and good for my body. The studio is only a 10 minute walk from home and is deep in the heart of a residential area; there was a nice mix of people there of all ages and shapes. I am going to try and add one more class a week, something classic like Hatha, and I should be well on my way to a more supple, strong, centered, pain-free body.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Week 5

Down 1 (11.4 lbs. total)

This was a week that ended with too much food and some alcohol. I had the bottomless pit thing on Thursday with a headache and swollen ankles, PMS I'm guessing, and then on Friday I participated in a potluck lunch at work with some great fattening food and then went out for cocktails after work.

I'm pretty happy with a pound loss, my pant are feeling looser and my knees don't ache as much. However, I went clothes shopping today to try and find some yoga pants and a sports bra. 6 hours of shopping later I finally settled for something. The lack of comfortable clothing and bra options for plus-size women is shocking. Plus-size teenagers can apparently have all the crappy cheap clothing they want, but if you are a more mature woman who does not want to wear peter pan collars, 3/4 sleeves, and tops cropped at your belly button, you are SOL.

Off to yoga class tomorrow - wish me luck.