Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week 10 Results and Lessons Learned...

Up .4lb (22lb total)

Well the week arrived where the scales didn't go down. I tracked my food and I went into the weigh-in with 30 weekly points uneaten but the scales weren't giving me what I wanted. It hurts; it feels like failure. And, even though I know that my ovaries are hurting, and my ankle's a little swollen and my ring is tight, I am having a hard time thinking that it's water weight.

So, now the hard mental work begins. I must keep thinking positively, telling myself this is not a diet but a healthy lifestyle in which I get to eat what I love in moderation. As our leader said last week sometimes the scales are not the best judge of success. I have to celebrate the fact that I can take off my new jeans without undoing the zipper.

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