Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week 21

Up 2 (34.6 lbs total)

Today's WW topic was motivation. How after a while, and some success, the initial motivation that drove you to join has subsided in intensity. The clothes in your closet are looser and you're feeling a little pleased with yourself, or maybe you are bored. Either way, you have become casual about your commitment to the WW program and slippage is happening.

It was perfectly timed because I am feeling mentally rocky - I've been tracking every thing I eat and it is not a pretty picture and, while tracking is key, the other part of the equation is eating healthy and staying within your points allowance. I've been a little lax on that front. I've been thrown out of my routine too many times over the past three or four weeks and it has illustrated my inability to cope with having to choose on the fly.

I need to plan my food for the week and to always have a healthy option available to me wherever I am. This means making and taking food to work while the cafeteria is closed (come back Gary I miss you) and eating breakfast at home when I know I won't have access to food until lunch. It means bringing food to the movies rather than succumbing to Twizzlers (30 points for an avg. bag, and I WILL eat the whole bag). It means keeping a mental image of my goal in my head at all times and actively thinking about how I felt when I joined. It means remembering how I gained it all back last time and how that felt: debilitating, defeating, depressing, despairing.

I also want to thank my friend who goes with me to WW - the discussion about this in the swimming pool as we did our walking lunges back and forth in the shallow water gave me the energy to renew my commitment. We discussed our meals for the week, what they would look like, and what changes we could make to make them more satisfying. Then we went grocery shopping to put the plan in action. In fact we talked so much my butt hurts from the lunges :)

Wish me luck.

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