Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week 46

Down 1.6 (54 lbs total)

It has been hard to get back to tracking and keeping within my points allowance. The entertainment opportunities at this time of year always involve eating and drinking - and it's only going to get tougher as Dec 25th draws near. I think I'm going to have to ride it out as best I can while still going to parties and dinners and enjoying myself. The biggest problem is alcohol because even one drink makes me abandon all restraint. When I was younger (and cuter) this often led to other indulgences - now it leads to me sidling up to the buffet table over and over until it agrees to go home with me.

And, on the topic of indulgence, I had the best prawns I have ever eaten the other night. If you are in Victoria go to Bon Rouge and order the Andalucian Prawns - you'll thank me.

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