Saturday, September 29, 2007

Week 3 results and lessons learned...

Down 2.4lbs (9.6 total)

The mind is a stubborn beast to move. I lost more than the necessary pound this week and I was still disappointed. The goal of a pound a week is a safe, steady rate of loss that will help halt rebound gain. I know this. I should therefore be feeling some happiness that I exceeded this rate and some trepidation that I am dropping a little too fast. However what I am feeling is not-so-secretly disappointed. I didn't lose 2.8 lbs. this week and didn't get my next gold star, ergo I failed. Now, I understand the gold star thing; celebrating every 5 pounds keeps your eyes focussed on a nearer goal than that mythical huge number that you have to "give away". And I know that the initial weight loss had a lot to do with shedding water. And I know that this week I used most of my weekly extra points (at the movie on popcorn and a hotdog!). But my mind conveniently forgets all that - there is a prize to be won and I didn't win it. Loser!


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