Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 6

Down 3 (14.4 lbs total)

Everything feels lighter. My body made one of those shifts this week and I could feel the difference as my waist made a re-appearance. I can suck in my tummy and see the edge of my ribcage.

My friend and I celebrated our losses this week by heading to Bon Rouge for a lovely brunch. Bliss! I had a delicious omelette with duxelle, white beans and tomato concassé, a small side salad with vinaigrette on the side, and two glasses of champagne. After all, the French stay thin on such fare!

I had a really great yoga week. Our lunchtime flow yoga on Tuesday has been extended to an hour, so it's a nice 10 minute brisk walk there, a full hour and a brisk walk back. Fortunately my boss goes with me and he's happy they made it an hour so all is good. Today I went to my first 90 minute restorative yoga class which felt deeply relaxing and good for my body. The studio is only a 10 minute walk from home and is deep in the heart of a residential area; there was a nice mix of people there of all ages and shapes. I am going to try and add one more class a week, something classic like Hatha, and I should be well on my way to a more supple, strong, centered, pain-free body.

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